Current Issue

No. 14 (2020)
					View No. 14 (2020)

Edition: October 2020

ISSN: 1692-6226
ISSN DIGITAL: 2422-4073

Published: 2020-11-30



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Temas is a journal published by the Department of Humanities at Universidad Santo Tomás – Bucaramanga. It is an annual publication designed to account for the research processes in Social Sciences, Humanities and Education, conducted by professors of the institution and research centers of higher education institutions anywhere in the world. Temas is at the service of national and international scientific community, university students and people wishing to update their humanistic and pedagogical knowledge.

Temas has a permanent call for papers throughout the year. Manuscripts in Spanish, French, English, Portuguese and Italian languages are accepted. Temas is recognized by Publindex, and indexed in Fuente Académica (Fuente académica, Premier, Plus), Latindex, Dialnet, CLASE and REDIB.

ISSN: 1692-6226
e-ISSN: 2422-4073