Academic Performance and Orality: Interpreting Walter Ong's Theory
Academic performance, Pedagogical strategies, Writing, Motivation, OralityAbstract
The study focused on analyzing the impact of Walter Ong's theory for the academic strengthening of tenth grade students at the New Cambridge School through orality. This was based on Ong's theoretical framework, in which the qualitative method with an Action Research approach was used. Data were collected through initial tests, interviews, field diaries, and final tests. These identify areas for improvement such as the lack of pedagogical strategies and the lack of motivation due to traditional approaches. The results highlighted the importance of motivation in academic performance and highlighted the benefits of combining writing and orality in academic activities to achieve the stated objectives. This study highlights how Ong's theory can improve academic performance through innovative orientations and through motivation.
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- 2025-01-27 (5)
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- 2023-12-01 (1)
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