Effect of stretching versus stretching after application of ultrasound on the extensibility of the hamstring muscles in adult women


  • Carolina Anaya Niño Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Adriana Angarita Fonseca Universidad de Santander
  • German Andrés Villamizar Rayón Universidad de Santander




Ultrasound, stretching, flexibility, extensibility, physiotherapy


Objective: To compare the effects of SM versus US + SM on the extensibility of the hamstring muscles in adult women.
Methods: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial was conducted. Fourteen women (22.3 ± 3.9 years) randomly assigned to two groups, SM (7 minutes) prior US (US + SM), n=8 and SM for 7 minutes, n=6. The differences between assessments were compared using student’s t-test; the effect of the intervention was evaluated by analysis of covariance.
Results: Significantly increased flexibility of lower limbs in both groups. In the US + SM group increased -8.75 ± 5.5; while increasing in the SM group was -3.5 ± 2.7; when comparing the groups, no statistically significant differences were found. A statistically significant increase was found in final grades in the US + SM intervention group, -5.8 (95% CI: - 10.9; -0.67p = 0.030) compared with the SM group adjusting only for baseline score.
Conclusion: A single exposure to US + SM is sufficient to enhance the gains in hamstring extensibility in adult women compared to SM.


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Author Biographies

Carolina Anaya Niño, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Fisioterapeuta, especialista en Docencia Universitaria y magíster (c) en Fisioterapia por la Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Adriana Angarita Fonseca, Universidad de Santander

Fisioterapeuta, magíster en Epidemiología Grupo de investigación CliniUDES, Universidad de Santander.

German Andrés Villamizar Rayón, Universidad de Santander

Médico, Universidad de Santander.


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How to Cite

Anaya Niño, C., Angarita Fonseca, A., & Villamizar Rayón, G. A. (2018). Effect of stretching versus stretching after application of ultrasound on the extensibility of the hamstring muscles in adult women. Ustasalud, 16, 35–42. https://doi.org/10.15332/us.v16i0.2018



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