Effects of a training program of core in the balance of 10-12 years students
Physical education and training, muscle strength, exerciseAbstract
Objective: Evaluate the effects of a training program in the core muscles and the balance of students between 10-12 years of a School located in Provenza, Bucaramanga.
Methods: A quasi-experimental study was carried out with a pre and post evaluation after a 16 weeks intervention, the frequency of the intervention was three days a week and every session lasted for 60 minutes. A sample of 40 students was divided into two groups (intervention group n = 20) (control group n = 20). The tests used were: a Static Equilibrium test (PEOC 5-30), Dynamic Balance test (test of walking on a balance beam), Prone test, Right and Left Lateral Decubitus, Trunk Flexion and Prone in Bridge tests for assessing the resistance of trunk.
Results: An improvement after intervention was observed for every test in both groups, statistical significance differences were found in two tests, the static equilibrium test and the right lateral test.
Conclusions: The major finding evidenced was the improvement in the variables assessed mainly the static equilibrium test and the right lateral.
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