Analysis of the Relationship between critical reading outcomes in the high school state test, academic grade point average (GPA) and performance in attention and memory tasks in university students


  • Laura Patricia Amaya Díaz Universidad Manuela Beltrán Bucaramanga
  • Raquel Rivera Carvajal Universidad de Santander
  • Hadder Uriel Acosta Salazar Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios



Memometric, working memory, slective attention, academic performance, Secondary school state test, critical reading


In this study was analyzed the relation between the result of critical reading in the tests knowing 11, the academic performance and the performance in tasks of attention and memory in 55 university students (average age = 20 years, SD = 2.51) through the memometric test, the Wechsler digit retention subtest and the A cancellation test. As a result, it was found that the performance in the critical reading module and academic performance are not related only to basic psychological processes such as selective attention and memory of work. Additionally, the correlations between the variables studied were low (with scores between r = .004 and r = .42; p <.05), except for two, which can be considered as moderate: inverse memometric and academic average with r, 50 p <.05; and direct memometric and inverse memometric, with r =, 67, p <.05. With the subsequent analysis of the regression model, it was observed that the performance of the critical reading test knowing 11 was significant for the prediction of academic performance. In conclusion, only two of the proposed relationships were corroborated. It is suggested for future research to include variables related to the affective resources of the student and the learning environments.


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Author Biographies

Laura Patricia Amaya Díaz, Universidad Manuela Beltrán Bucaramanga

Magíster en Educación por la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, docente investigadora Universidad Manuela Beltrán Bucaramanga.

Raquel Rivera Carvajal, Universidad de Santander

Magíster en epidemiología por la Universidad Industrial de Santander, docente investigadora Universidad de Santander UDES.

Hadder Uriel Acosta Salazar, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Especialista en Necesidades Educativas e Inclusión por la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, docente Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO.


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How to Cite

Amaya Díaz, L. P., Rivera Carvajal, R., & Acosta Salazar, H. U. (2020). Analysis of the Relationship between critical reading outcomes in the high school state test, academic grade point average (GPA) and performance in attention and memory tasks in university students. Revista Temas, (14), 99–108.


