Citizenship training of future early childhood education teachers
Civic education, political dimension, teachers training, childhood education, pedagogical practicumAbstract
This article shows the results of the research El seminario de práctica pedagógica. Un espacio para la formación ciudadana en la Universidad. The research set out as main objectives the analysis of the pedagogical practicum from a political dimension, and the development of an appropriate and effective process in civic education for women students of the BA in Childhood Education at Universidad de Antioquia. A qualitative model which includes an interpretive approach within the research line of ethnographic studies was used. This methodology was set from the discourse analysis of pedagogical practicum actors regarding a political dimension. The results demonstrate that political dimension of civic education is thought from a representative democracy point of view and defined as construction knowledge, which is not a daily life conception for students and teachers. Practicum seminar was considered a space full of possibilities for discussions and positive criticism, which is generally being under-used by focusing on techniques through practical action orientations.
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