Sharing the planet: Homo Sapiens Sapiens vs Homo Novus
Homo sapiens, homo novus, genetic engineering, genetic manipulation, applications, responsibilitiesAbstract
This article deals, in a preliminary way, with the problem of thinking about how genetic engineering, from one of its objectives, the transformative, can drastically change what homo sapiens sapiens is, from its conceptualization to ontological relationships such as dignity in front of the homo novus, from a directed evolution. To do this, we will first briefly address a conceptual horizon from which this idea is traced; then, the ways in which genetic manipulation in man and its constitutive modifications are understood through the question: How genetic engineering to create the homo novus changes human relationships? Next, some examples are presented where it is observed how genetic engineering, as it advances with its multiple applications in the human being, must be studied to establish some interaction criteria against that homo novus. Finally, the article closes considering that in front of a new human being, which radically modifies relations with homo sapiens sapiens, new responsibilities emerge that, of themselves, must be constructed, facing the language of the bodies designed by genetic engineering.
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