Factors that include the well-being level in a company of pharmaceutical products





Psychological well-being, measurement tool, psychological risk factors


This paper aims to complete an analysis of factors involved in the levels of psychological well-being in collaborators of Pharmaceutical Products of Mexico, as well as generating different proposals for psychological wellbeing improvement within the organization. This is a correlational, cross-sectional and field research, collaborators of clinical trial monitoring area compose the population, and a sample of 130 collaborators was obtained in which Oxford Happiness Questionnaire was applied to 82 women and 48 men. With the results obtained, consumption of anti-anxiety and anti-depressive drugs was identified as a factor that statistically correlate with the questionnaire results, the target groups with the lower well-being levels and the proposals for improvement on the organization were compiled. Finally, OHQ might be used as an improvement indicator of psychological well-being within organizations.


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How to Cite

Monroy Ramírez, P. F., & Chiatchoua, C. (2020). Factors that include the well-being level in a company of pharmaceutical products. Lebret, (11), 79–104. https://doi.org/10.15332/rl.v0i11.2413


