Territorial administrative reorganization as a vehicle for rationalizing the structure of the local administration


  • Tomás Llorente Aguado A1-Arquitecto municipal en Abarán, Murcia




Public administration, efficiency, spatial planning, public powers


Due to the current financial crisis, the decline in revenues in the state coffers, tax increases and cuts in public investment, governments of troubled countries like Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain are bound to strongly reconsider the structure, operation of machinery and the size of their public sector. Some of these countries began to consider reducing the number of municipalities and increase their homogeneity as a way to improve the efficiency of public administration. Other lines of action proposed are the transfer of skills and training of supra-municipal bodies. This article analyzes potential advantages and disadvantages and proposes a method to optimize the implementation of these lines of action.


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Author Biography

Tomás Llorente Aguado, A1-Arquitecto municipal en Abarán, Murcia

Máster en Administración y Desarrollo Territorial. Funcionario grupo A1-Arquitecto municipal en Abarán, Murcia.


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How to Cite

Llorente Aguado, T. (2014). Territorial administrative reorganization as a vehicle for rationalizing the structure of the local administration. Lebret, (6), 369–393. https://doi.org/10.15332/rl.v0i6.1462


