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Author Guidelines

Lebret, published by the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences of the Uiversidad Santo Tomás - Indexed in category C in Publindex, COLCIENCIAS, considers the publication of original and unpublished papers that contribute to the areas of social sciences, including economics, administration and accounting. The texts must be the result of research, according to COLCIENCIAS guidelines:

  • Research Articles: document that presents in detail the original results of research projects and shows rigorously conceptual and methodological references used and the conclusions reached.
  • Reflection articles: a document presents research results from an analytical and interpretive perspective of the author, on a specific topic.
  • Review Article: document where the research results published or unpublished on a specific field are analyzed, to account for the trends and developments thereof by at least fifty references.

The journal will also include book reviews in Spanish or translations which have not been published in other journals. contributions in Spanish and English are received.

The author must attach a summary of his resumé (CV), in the journal format in which academic qualifications, positions held, recent publications (title of the article or book, name of publication, date of publication are mentioned), address, phone number and email. Article and attachments are received at the following address:

The author is requested to specify: the area of knowledge to which it belongs the text sent, the name of the research project from which it is derived, the name of the entity that financed the research and the date on which it was carried out.

Other notes:

Contributions must be original and unpublished, submitted in Word format, charts and graphs in Excel, latest versions. The files must indicate the place and page where the pictures and graphics are inserted or to specify the tables attached. Images or maps should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi and be in. Tif or jpg.

Articles should be between 6,000 and 9,000 words, including notes and references; Times New Roman 12, double-spaced and margins left 4cm left, and 2.5cm at the top, bottom, right side of each page.

Published book reviews cannot exceed 1,200 words.

The articles must be original, with clear, accurate and impersonal language.

The title should be precise and expose the subject of work.

The abstract in Spanish and English must be between 6 and 10 lines. The article abstract should be written in third person and present tense. Typically contains: the question, the theoretical framework, methodology, key findings and conclusions

The author must specify three or four keywords.

The present article will present the Journal for Economic Literature (JEL) codes

Footnotes will be used to clarify or explain additional data, and they should appear numbered and be as brief as possible.

In less than 40 words quotations, that paragraph shall be in quotation marks in the text body. The quotations with more than 40 words begin on a new line indented with 5 spaces at the left margin and without quotation marks.

The references are made in the body of the text in parentheses. For example, (name, year) in quotations page is added (last name, year, p.) Example: (Gonzalez, 2008, p. 65).

To cite a study by more than 2 people and less than 6 the name of all authors must be written. If the appointment is at the beginning of the paragraph, for example: Theran, Gonzalez Prada and Botache (2004) found that fruit performance factors depend on soil quality. If the end of paragraph is: performance factors fruits depend on soil quality (Theran, Gonzalez, Prada & Botache, 2004).Thereafter, whenever the text of these authors is mentioned, the name of the first author, followed by the word et al. And the date will be written.

The newspaper quotes should be incorporated into the text in parentheses as follows: (Title of the source, day month year, page).

The works without author: are Included only if it is important for the text and the name of the book is written in quotes; for example: ("Constitution of Colombia", 1991) is a reference used to cite decrees and laws.

The quotations from an author who quotes another author must correspond in references with the text of whom makes the citation. In the body of the text, the author, parentheses, year, cited in last name, year. For example: at the beginning of the text: Rojas and Linares (1996 cited in Mantilla Gonzalez and Botache, 2000). At the end of the text (Rojas and Linares, 1996 quoted in Gonzalez and Botache, 2000).

Complete references are at the end of the text, in alphabetical order by author's last name. References are called, instead of Bibliography, these must correspond to the number of citations. This way:

  • Books: surname and initials of the authors; year of the edition used, book title in italics, city of publication, country: publisher, (year of the original publication, if the work has had several editions). Example: Theran, C., (1997). La productividad en la manufactura, Bogotá, Colombia: Fondo de Cultura Económica. If the work has had several editions: Therán, C., 1997, la productividad en la manufactura, Bogotá: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2000.
  • Articles: surnames and initials of the names of the authors, year of publication, article title, journal name and volume (if applicable) in italics, number, pages of the article. Example: Botache, R., (2001). Mercado de tierras. Cife, 56, 31-36.
  • Book chapters: Author, (year), chapter title, on behalf of publishers, book name in italics, chapter pages, city, country: publisher. Example: Gómez, E., Linares, H. (2001). Técnicas de contabilidad y negocios internacionales. En Santos J. y Albarracín G. (Eds.).Finanzas internacionales (pp. 409-500). Bucaramanga, Colombia: Tres Culturas.
  • Site-web documents must include: Name and initial of the name of the author; the year in parentheses; title text in italics; Web site name or virtual address; recovery date (day, month, year). Example: Caviedes, E. (2001). La administración actual. Recuperado el 13 de agosto de 2008, del del sitio Web de la Asociación Colombiana de Administración: http://www.acad.or/detalle/06/id.doc1-colombia-pdf.

For more information, see APA style manual (American Psychological Association) sixth edition.



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