Analysis and statistical modelling in the aging process of rums in a Cuban rum factory
aging, rum, wastages, Weka software, Statgraphics Centurion software, regression modelAbstract
The rum aging process shows volume losses, called wastage. The operation variables: product, boardwalk, horizontal and vertical positions, date, volume, alcoholic degree, temperature, humidity and aging time, recorded in databases, contain valuable information to study the process. The qualitative variables were processed using Weka 3.8.0 software while the quantitative variables underwent a statistical analysis using Statgraphics Centurion XVII.2. The biggest reductions correspond to barrels located in areas which solar irradiation, favoring the evaporation of the product. The variable temperature and humidity present very high variation coefficients; these factors are uncontrolled so a regulation process is suggested. A regression model was obtained that predicts the losses based on the variables: numerical month volume and aging time with mean square error values (ECM) and R2 of 0.115 and 95.88 % respectively.
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