Latin American education: challenges of socio-spatial construction


  • Andrés Machuca Téllez Corporación Universitaria Nacional de Educación Superior (CUN)



Education, Humanities, Socio-spatiality, recognition of the Other


There are two elements that must be reflected upon from education in their duty of caring about its social responsibility; its relationship to prevailing market logic and recognition of the “other” within the socio-spatial relationships that shape the educational act.  Then, a thoughtful article (Palou, 2001) that emerges from approaching Torres (2009), Laval (2004) and Castro’s (2000) statements where a dialogue about the impact of the relationship of the social knowledge and education seeking to build a historical consciousness as an element to rescue the Being is proposed, from the recognition of socio-spatial realities, for which at a fi­rst moment a historical balance of education and socio-spatial realities relationship is developed; this in order to show the bond between them and their impact on social movements.  In a second moment, the problem of colonization processes in the world and particularly in the region from the Rio Bravo in Mexico to Cape Horn in Chile, Latin America is placed in evidence. Finally, the impacts of educational policies were highlighted, result of the logics of social knowledge developed from external sites to the Latin American reality and its impact on the understanding of education.  In the end, some speci­c re‑ections as a conclusion that highlight the importance of rebuilding the Latin American University from the recognition of socio-spatial realities are presented.


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Author Biography

Andrés Machuca Téllez, Corporación Universitaria Nacional de Educación Superior (CUN)

Magister en Educación Universidad Libre. Corporación Universitaria Nacional de Educación Superior (CUN)


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How to Cite

Machuca Téllez A. Latin American education: challenges of socio-spatial construction. ESPIRAL [Internet]. 2014Jul.1 [cited 2024Nov.21];4(2):27-40. Available from:



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