An exploratory approach around "University and 21st Century": Subject badge for the learners’ integral formation from the institutional vision and the student’s point of view


  • Francisco Javier Bañuelos González Maestro en Gestión y Políticas de Educación Superior Universidad de Guadalajara-CUCEA
  • Blanca Noemí Silva Gutiérrez Doctora en Ciencias Universidad de Guadalajara-CUCEA
  • María Guadalupe Villaseñor Gudiño Doctora en Educación Universidad de Guadalajara-CUCEA
  • Ada Aranzazú Hernández Cuevas Doctorante en Cooperación y Bienestar Social Universidad de Guadalajara-CUC



University and 21st century, subject emblem, university identity, student perception


The present article, it is an exploratory approximation concerning University and 21st century ensued from the first stage of an investigation of path that is realized on the part of a group of teachers specialists in the subject matter, which aim was to know the perception of the students of the subject “emblem” named University and 21st century, for his integral formation. The reflections about the new subject, arise in this first phase as an approximation from the study of perception applied to the discentes that there deposited with the new reform curricular during the schedule of courses 2013-A to the University Economic Center of Sciences Administrative officers (CUCEA) of the University of Guadalajara (UDEG). In the UDEG, was considered to be pertinent the incorporation of a subject “emblem” that should offer to the university community a condition of belonging; a critical vision before problematic in the local as global area; a critical thought; the development of intellectual, academic tools and of investigation; a planeación and exploration of his life and profession; as well as the construction of his university identity, which allows that they should manage to identify the values and symbols, the aspirations and longings, the customs and traditions, the daily practices and the social commitments, which from every diversified being converge towards a common end. Under these ambitious intentions, there arises the Course-workshop of “ University and 21st century “ in a modality presencial enriched (with the platform Moodle), that must not be conceived as the panacea, but as the opportunity for that the university community had waited for fungir as catharsis of those absent turns in his universitary education. The way, it is complex and the uncertain future, but with a wide and pertinent vision of what is wanted and expects from our university and from the university students, it will manage to construct what the company of the 21st century needs.


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How to Cite

Bañuelos González FJ, Silva Gutiérrez BN, Villaseñor Gudiño MG, Hernández Cuevas AA. An exploratory approach around "University and 21st Century": Subject badge for the learners’ integral formation from the institutional vision and the student’s point of view. ESPIRAL [Internet]. 2013Jan.1 [cited 2024Dec.27];3(1):33-44. Available from:



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