Brain gymnastics as pedagogical mediation to improve the reading aloud of a class of second grade students at “La Cumbre” Technical Institute


  • Angie Vanessa Duarte Millán Instituto Técnico La Cumbre



Reading aloud, Brain gymnastics, Pronunciation, Intonation, Volume of voice, Fluency, Mind and body, Pedagogical workshops


This research is framed in the qualitative paradigm, which is characterized by studying the reality of the 28 Second-six students of the La Cumbre Technical Institute of the municipality of Floridablanca-Santander, where, through action-research, an active role in improving reading aloud.

It is established as a general objective to strengthen the processes of reading aloud from seven pedagogical workshops based on brain gymnastics exercises focused on improving fluency, pronunciation, intonation and voice volume. It has participatory observation, evaluation rubrics, audiovisual records and a field diary.

As a result, it is observed that, to strengthen the processes of reading aloud, it is important that spaces are created in the classroom where orality is stimulated, respect and a listening attitude is fostered. In addition, it is recognized that the act of reading aloud should be considered as an opportunity to lead children to change their learning and improve academic difficulties, where a comprehensive connection is developed between body communication and language. One of the main conclusions is that, within language learning, it is ideal for teachers and students to understand that learning to read aloud is a process. In other words, it is essential that you go step by step and consider the different skills that reading in public comprises.

Finally, the study shows a positive response from the implementation of brain gymnastics, since children enhance their communication skills and strengthen intra and interpersonal relationships. Likewise, it allows the teacher to provide constant support, associated with reflection, flexibility, respect and empathy, recognizing that they can make mistakes and that these errors must be solved calmly, in order to improve the processes in terms of intonation, fluency, volume of voice and pronunciation, since not, it is only about reading aloud, but about teaching children to read aloud.


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Author Biography

Angie Vanessa Duarte Millán, Instituto Técnico La Cumbre

Docente del Instituto Técnico La Cumbre, Floridablanca, Colombia. Licenciada en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental. Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia


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How to Cite

Duarte Millán AV. Brain gymnastics as pedagogical mediation to improve the reading aloud of a class of second grade students at “La Cumbre” Technical Institute. ESPIRAL [Internet]. 2020Dec.18 [cited 2024Nov.22];10(1-2):47-65. Available from:



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