Level of compliance of the phases of periodontal treatment in the dental clinics of the University of Santo Tomás

  • Aura Cristina Llaín Álvarez Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Karen Tatiana Cruz Serrano Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga
  • Jennifer Vanessa Castaño Angarita Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Oscar Javier Duarte Mantilla Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Jhon Jairo Álvarez Martínez Universidad Santo Tomás
Keywords: periodontal index, chronic periodontitis, periodontal disease, furca


Objective: to determine the level of compliance of the phases of periodontal treatment in patients attending the dental clinics of the Universidad Santo Tomás, located in Floridablanca and Bucaramanga during the academic year of 2016.
Materials and methods: a cross-sectional study, 171 clinical histories were considered that met all the selection criteria. Socio-demographic variables, semester, systemic commitment, periodontal diagnosis, periodontal< treatment phases were evaluated.
Results: the maintenance phase had a higher level of noncompliance (99.4%), followed by the reassessment phase (98.8%), for the phases that, depending on the course of the disease, are required to be required or not; The urgency phase, demanded by two people had a non-compliance of 50%; In the systemic phase, 69.6% attended the consultation for periodontal treatment and for the corrective phase, there was a high level of noncompliance of 78.9% for the required phases; In similarity, the hygienic phase presented a high level of non-compliance: 57.3%.
Conclusion: probably, the causes of high failure rates of periodontal treatment are due to weak strategies of education and motivation for the patient. The importance of the results of this study is to allow to base the creation, redesign and strengthening of interventions in the consultations to insist to the patient on the importance of assisting in the phases of reevaluation and maintenance since it was evidenced in these two
phases a high Percentage of default.

Author Biographies

Aura Cristina Llaín Álvarez, Universidad Santo Tomás
Estudiante de Odontología, Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga
Karen Tatiana Cruz Serrano, Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga

Estudiante de Odontología, Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga.

Jennifer Vanessa Castaño Angarita, Universidad Santo Tomás
Estudiante de Odontología, Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga
Oscar Javier Duarte Mantilla, Universidad Santo Tomás
Estudiante de Odontología, Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga
Jhon Jairo Álvarez Martínez, Universidad Santo Tomás
Docente Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga


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How to Cite
Llaín Álvarez, A., Cruz Serrano, K., Castaño Angarita, J., Duarte Mantilla, O., & Álvarez Martínez, J. (2018). Level of compliance of the phases of periodontal treatment in the dental clinics of the University of Santo Tomás. Ustasalud, 15, 21-27. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15332/us.v15i0.2077
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