• Iara Ballesteros G. U. Santo Tomás
  • Karen Ariadna Cobo C. U. Santo Tomás
  • Johen Patricia Navarro C. U. Santo Tomás
  • Sonia Constanza Concha S. U. Santo Tomás
Keywords: Tongue embracing, Oral higiene, Dental plague


Objetive: To evaluate inter-rater reproducibility of two indices addressed at assessing tongue hygiene.
Materials and Methods: A study about diagnostic technology evaluation was performed on a 100 subject sample who attended to dental clinics at Santo Tomas University. The modified Miyazaki’s index was ranked in the subjects in a qualitative and quantitative mode. For assessing the reproducibility levels, the Kappa Test and Spearman rank correlation were used.
Results: The coefficient correlation was 0.70 ranked by Kappa statistics showing a good level of reproducibility. When analyzing the quantitative mode, Spearman rank inter-rater reproducibility level was0.83.
Conclusion: The inter-rater reproducibility level obtained by Miyazaki’s modified index that allows for assessing the tongue hygiene in a qualitative and quantitative mode, showed it were good and consistent.

Author Biographies

Iara Ballesteros G., U. Santo Tomás
Estudiante de X semestre F. Odontología U. Santo Tomás
Karen Ariadna Cobo C., U. Santo Tomás
Estudiante de X semestre F. Odontología U. Santo Tomás
Johen Patricia Navarro C., U. Santo Tomás
Estudiante de X semestre F. Odontología U. Santo Tomás
Sonia Constanza Concha S., U. Santo Tomás
Odontóloga, U. Santo Tomás, Especialista en Educación y Comunicación para la Salud, Magíster en Epidemiología U. Industrial de Santander, Docente U. Santo Tomás


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How to Cite
Ballesteros G., I., Cobo C., K., Navarro C., J., & Concha S., S. (2008). REPRODUCIBILITY EVALUATION OF TWO INDICES ADDRESSED TO ANALYZE TONGUE HYGIENE. Ustasalud, 7(1), 35-41.
Scientific and technological research papers