• Jenny Johana Matallana Jerez U. Santo Tomás
  • Ángela Helena Ortiz Caballero U. Santo Tomás
  • María Fernanda Rincón Capacho U. Santo Tomás
  • Andrea Carolina Sánchez Carvajal U. Santo Tomás
  • Gloria Cristina Aránzazu Moya U. Santo Tomás
  • Sonia Constanza Concha Sánchez U. Santo Tomás
Keywords: Dental clinics, Light curing lamp, Light intensity, Radiometer


Objective: To determine light intensity of light polimerization units used in the dental offices in Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area, and to evaluate the dentists’ knowledge in this subject.
Methods: A descriptive cross section observational study was done. The universe was constituted by 283 and a sample of 110 dental offices was evaluated. The variables included were sociodemographical (municipality, socioeconomic status), about the light curing lamps (type of light, brand, maintenance, personnel performing the maintenance), about the lamp disinfestations (the substance that was used and frequency), and professional’s knowledge about the polimerization unit. Means, modes, medians and standard deviation were determined for all data. Bivariate analyses were performed by Fisher Exact Test and ANOVA.
Results: There were found statistically significant differences of the intensity of light with the variables of type of light with 59% (p<0.001), brand of the lamp without commercial reference with 65.4% (p=0.013), personnel performing maintenance, the technician with 61.8% (p=0.033), the substance used to disinfect, alcohol with 46.7% (p=0.0117), variables such as knowledge of the dentist 61% regular knowledge (p=0.012).
Conclusion: It was determined that 21.9% of the lamps didn’t have an appropriate intensity of light for curing the materials.

Author Biographies

Jenny Johana Matallana Jerez, U. Santo Tomás
Estudiante X semestre F. de Odontología U. Santo Tomás
Ángela Helena Ortiz Caballero, U. Santo Tomás
Estudiante X semestre F. de Odontología U. Santo Tomás
María Fernanda Rincón Capacho, U. Santo Tomás
Estudiante X semestre F. de Odontología U. Santo Tomás
Andrea Carolina Sánchez Carvajal, U. Santo Tomás
Estudiante X semestre F. de Odontología U. Santo Tomás
Gloria Cristina Aránzazu Moya, U. Santo Tomás
Odontóloga U. Santo Tomás, Especialista en Patología Oral y Medios Diagnósticos U. El Bosque, Docente U. Santo Tomás
Sonia Constanza Concha Sánchez, U. Santo Tomás
Odontóloga U. Santo Tomás, Especialista en Educación y Comunicación para la salud, MSc Epidemiología U. Industrial de Santander, Docente U. Santo Tomás


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How to Cite
Matallana Jerez, J., Ortiz Caballero, Ángela, Rincón Capacho, M., Sánchez Carvajal, A., Aránzazu Moya, G., & Concha Sánchez, S. (2010). INTENSITY OF LIGHT-CURING UNITS USED IN PRIVATE PRACTICE IN BUCARAMANGA AND ITS METROPOLITAN AREA. Ustasalud, 9(1), 41-49.
Scientific and technological research papers