Leadership in primary school teachers of a public institution in the city of Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia

  • Mónica Alexandra Ayala Mejía Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Keywords: Leadership, educational leadership, types of leadership, distributed leadership, teachers


Objective. Educational leadership has been consolidated as a fundamental element at the time to strengthen the quality of education. However, the approach that has been given in educational institutions, is located in the administrative field without involving the community. We intend to determine in this article, the presence of leadership distributed in the teaching work of a primary basic institution in the city of Bucaramanga.
Methodology. For this, instruments such as questionnaires and interviews were applied, which were the information input, as well as the observation process carried out by a checklist applied by the researcher, which allowed to know the perceptions that the teachers and the coordinator had about the concept of leader, leadership and the elements of leadership that were presented in the institution.
Results. In this direction, five categories and twenty-eight basic subcategories were established to carry out the process of analysis and triangulation of information. The institution does not present a distributed leadership because the teachers do not perceive clearly what type of leadership is exercised in the organization and the guidelines that guide this work are attributed to the coordination which presents a leadership based on the subordination of the member of the teachers.


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Author Biography

Mónica Alexandra Ayala Mejía, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Licenciada en Educación Preescolar, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Santander


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How to Cite
Ayala Mejía M. Leadership in primary school teachers of a public institution in the city of Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia. Espiral, Revista de Docencia e Investigación [Internet]. 15Mar.2019 [cited 2Jul.2024];8(1):53-4. Available from: http://revistas.ustabuca.edu.co/index.php/ESPIRAL/article/view/2118
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