Practices assumed by teachers and students with visual disabilities, for inclusive education in the time of Covid-19 in the USTA-BGA
Visual disability, Barriers in times of COVID-19, Teaching methodologiesAbstract
Objective: To describe the daily practices undertaken by teachers and students belonging to the Faculty of Optometry with visual disabilities of the Santo Tomás de Bucaramanga University, which facilitate and hinder inclusive education, in times of the SARV-Cov2 pandemic. Methodology: qualitative study with a descriptive approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with two teachers and two students with visual disabilities (low vision) belonging to the Universidad Santo Tomás de Bucaramanga. A descriptive analysis was performed, identifying patterns, regularly or emerging themes. For the analysis process, the methodological design of Taylor and Bogdan was obtained. Results: According to the analysis carried out, three clearly identifiable categories emerge: positive methodological practices for teaching in times of Covid-19. This can be identified and explained due to the urgent need to weigh the pandemic, continue with the academic actions that are planned. Positive practices for learning designed for students with visual impairments. These were born as each student was discovering how to solve the challenges presented at the time of receiving their classes mediated by technology. Close support networks that contribute to the process of adaptability to the new reality. Undoubtedly, friendships and family are defined for people with disabilities in a fundamental axis of support, which contribute to their individual development. Conclusions: The results are a sample of the barriers and facilitators identified by people with visual disabilities who are in the framework of a university teaching and learning process. There are still gaps that prevent the guarantee of access to information, digital platforms, among other elements, for people with visual disabilities.
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