Frequency of apical periodontitis in teeth with endodontic treatment by volumetric computed tomography in a subpopulation of Colombia




Root canal therapy, Periapical periodontitis, Tooth apex, Root canal obturation, Cone beam computed tomography


Introduction: Radiographic interpretation is a highly subjective but essential component for the diagnosis of apical periodontitis, periapical radiographs could underestimate the identification when they are small, which could generate false negatives. On the other hand, volumetric computed tomography has greater sensitivity to identify and measure subtle periapical lesions.

Objective: To determine the frequency of apical periodontitis using cone beam computed tomography images in a Colombian subpopulation.

Methods: A total of 318 teeth and roots with adequate endodontic treatments were included in this study and evaluated by cone beam computed tomography with voxel size of 0.2 mm. The widest area of apical radiolucency in each tooth root was measured and a score was assigned based on the endodontic radiolucency index; the evaluation was carried out by two endodontist and a radiologist. Frequencies and percentages were used for statistical analysis.

Results: 60.37% of the teeth and roots were considered healthy, while 39.63% of the remaining roots presented apical periodontitis.

Conclusion: The frequency of AP in the teeth and roots studied and that presented adequate endodontic treatment was 39.63% and the size of the periapical lesions varied between >0.5 and 2.5 mm.


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Author Biographies

Uriel Mesa Herrera, 3D Imagen Digital

Odontólogo. Especialista en Radiología, 3D Imagen Digital. Colombia

Bibiana Yorley Blanco Fuentes, Universidad Santo Tomás

Odontóloga. Magíster en Ciencias Odontológicas, Universidad Santo Tomás. Colombia

Jaime Omar Moreno Monsalve, Universidad Santo Tomás

Odontólogo. PhD en Odontología, Universidad Santo Tomás. Colombia.


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How to Cite

Mesa Herrera, U., Blanco Fuentes, B. Y., & Moreno Monsalve, J. O. (2022). Frequency of apical periodontitis in teeth with endodontic treatment by volumetric computed tomography in a subpopulation of Colombia. Ustasalud, 21(2), 89–93.



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