Noise in extramural practice settings of a dental school at health institutions in the metropolitan area, Bucaramanga-Colombia
Noise, Dentistry, Students, Occupational health, Dental staffAbstract
Objective: To determine the noise levels generated in the extramural clinical practice scenarios to which the students of a dental school are exposed. Methodology: cross-sectional analytical observational study, which included clinical practice scenarios that remained active at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and complied with biosafety protocols stablished by national legislation; noise measurements were performed by an expert with the calibrated digital sound level meter; the noise level was measured during dental procedures in the cubicle (internal noise) and in the corridor (external noise). The information was analyzed with the Stata 14.0 statistical package. A uni and bivariate analysis is presented; The latter compared the measurements of noise generated between institutions and in each institution between external and internal noise, the Mann-Whitney test was used. The study followed the recommendations for research according to resolution 8430 of 1993. Results: the noise values obtained in the three institutions evaluated in this research did not exceed the noise limits established by national and international parameters and were reported higher levels of internal noise (74 dB) and external noise (71.5 dB) were reported in the institution located in Floridablanca, despite the fact that there was only one unit in operation. Conclusions: The reported noise levels did not exceed the national and international parameters.
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