Method for measuring neuronal immaturity in congenital strabismus
Cerebral cortex, strabismus, neuroimaging, gray substance, white substance, VoxelAbstract
Objective: To determine the degree of neuronal immaturity in the essential strabismus by Voxel analysis (particle size and FreeSurfer) of the cerebral cortex.
Methods: We conducted a pilot study, prospective, transversal, and observational to analyze the density particle and cortical thickness of the brains of six children seven years of age, grouped as follows: Two healthy children as a control group (GC), two children With Congenital esotropia (ET), two children with dissociated Exotropia (XTD), and a 2-year-old child with Periventricular (LM). The results were compared for analysis.
Results: The GC showed the most granulometric elements in the white substance, while the case of LM showed the least amount as well as an increase in volume of these; the cases of strabismus occupied intermediate positions between these two parameters. By FreeSurfer, an increase in the thickness of the striated cortex and a decrease in the temporal lobes were identified in the problem group.
Conclusion: The neuronal immaturity is represented by the decrease of the density of the white substance, the increase in the gray substance, the decrease of the cortical thickness in the temporal lobes and the increase of cortical thickness in occipital lobes. There is a quantitative relation between the quantity, quality, proportion and distribution of the granulometric elements of the gray and white substance of the cerebral cortex that allows establishing in an objective way the neuronal immaturity by means of Voxel analysis.
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