Candida albicans, Prosthesis, StomatitisAbstract
Objective: To identify the frequency of Candida albicans in patients with dental prosthesis with or without signs and evident clinical symptoms those attend the Dental Clinics of the Santo Tomas University and geriatric institutions of Floridablanca in the period of a year.
Materials and methods: An analytical observational study of cross section was made. The collected information related to clinical background in oral cavity and general demographics variables. The prevalence of Candida albicans was determined by means of the test of germinal, blue tube of lactofenol and hydroxide of potassium, to statistical analysis like chi2 and exact test of Fisher were applied.
Results: Seventy samples, 47 of them in patients with signs and symptoms of candidiasis were taken (67.1%), 38 located in palate, being eritema of palate most frequent in a 37.1%. The laboratory tests of blue of lactofenol (ALF) and hydroxide of potassium (KOH) turned out to be specific but not it sufficiently sensible. On the other hand, the germinal tube test demonstrated to be positive in 47 samples with a prevalence of (67.14%) of the patients in samples of oral mucosa and 53 (75.71%) in prosthesis samples.
Conclusions: It was an associate important prevalence with the use of total prosthesis and the presence of signs and symptoms, specially, red injuries of the palatal mucosa that suggests an important relation with the diagnosis of prosthesis stomatitis.
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