
  • Liliana Marlen Osorio A. U. Santo Tomás



Ankylosis, Infraocclusion, Submerged teeth


The ankylosis of primary molars is a pathology of great importance. The published studies show a high prevalence and many clinical complications that can early be avoided with an early diagnosis. The analysis of the causes and the treatment of this alteration do not show conclusive data because are few longitudinal clinical studies. The ankylosis appears by an alteration in the periodontal ligament that produces a fusion of the tooth to the alveolar bone, affects the exfoliation of the primary teeth and, some times, the eruption of the permanent successors. The objective of this paper is to make a literature review and to describe a case of bilateral ankylosis of second mandibular primary molars and their treatment.


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Author Biography

Liliana Marlen Osorio A., U. Santo Tomás

Odontóloga, U. Santo Tomás, Residente de I año de la Especialización en Odontopediatría, U. Santo Tomás


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How to Cite

Osorio A., L. M. (2018). ANKYLOSIS OF PRIMARY MOLARS: A REVIEW AND REPORT OF A CASE. Ustasalud, 4(2), 122–127.



Case reports