Temporomandibular joint disorders, Cervical atlas, BruxismAbstract
Objective: to describe the effect of the AtlasPROfilax® therapy over Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TJD) symptoms, bruxism and mandibular deviations.
Methods: an observational longitudinal study over a cohort of 151 people was carried out. A subsample of 71 patients was selected and photography evaluations were done with them. The social, demographic, clinical (pain, click, jaw locking, mandibular opening and bruxism) and photographic variables (close and open deviations and its different) were taken. Means, medians, standard deviations, proportions and frequencies were calculated according to the nature of the registered variables. For the bivariate analysis, Chi2 or Fisher’s exact test and Student t test or Wilcoxon rank were applied as appropriate. A value of p ≤ 0.05 was statistically significant.
Results: the symptoms related to Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TJD) were significantly reduced as a result of AtlasPROfilax® therapy, with a particularly evident result on the locking of the jaw. The symptoms related to clicking, popping and joint pain was reduced by more than half and bruxism was reduced in about 70% of people following this therapy.
Conclusion: the AtlasPROfilax® therapy reduced the symptoms related with TJD and the midline deviations in close and open mouth but a Randomized Controlled Trial is needed to further evaluation of the clinical and radiographic effectiveness of this therapeutic option.
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