
  • María Cristina Arango De La Cruz U. del Valle
  • Adriana Jaramillo Echeverry U. del Valle
  • Carlos Arturo Cruz Valderrama U. del Valle



Dental caries, Dental plaque index, Prevalence, Infants


Objective: to assess the prevalence of Early Childhood Caries (ECC) among 1-5 year old pre-schoolers in the city of Cali and describe the associated risk factors.
Methods: a descriptive study of prevalence in all educational institutions registered in the Ministry of Education was carried out. The sample consisted of 929 children who were asked by a questionnaire sent to their parents about the risk factors associated with dental caries. An intraoral examination was performed to determine the dmf-t index according to the criteria of the World Health Organization and the plaque index of Sillness and Löe was also evaluated. Univariate analysis was performed to describe the variables and know the distribution of the dependent variable. For the bivariate analysis, the Chi2 test and Spearman correlation was used depending on the type of variable. For comparison of the dmf-t according to socioeconomic and hygiene conditions such as brushing before bed, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used.
Results: a prevalence of 29.3% of ECC was found, this value was greater in the lower socioeconomic condition. Of the risk factors analyzed, we found a significant association with the absence of brushing before going to bed with an OR of 1.50 [IC 95%: 1.09 - 2.07, p=0.008].
Conclusions: the prevalence of dental caries was higher than that reported for Cali in the ENSAB III at 5 years. The caries index was dmf-t that excludes precavitacional lesions, which could be underestimating the real prevalence of dental caries in the study population.


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Author Biographies

María Cristina Arango De La Cruz, U. del Valle

Odontólogo U. del Valle, Especialista en Odontología Pediátrica U. de Valle, Candidata a Magíster en Epidemiología U. del Valle, Docente Escuela de Odontología U. del Valle

Adriana Jaramillo Echeverry, U. del Valle

Odontólogo U. del Valle, Magíster en Microbiología U. de Valle, Magíster en Epidemiología U. del Valle, Docente Escuela de Odontología U. del Valle

Carlos Arturo Cruz Valderrama, U. del Valle

Licenciado de Matemáticas U. del Valle, Docente Escuela de Odontología U. del Valle


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How to Cite

Arango De La Cruz, M. C., Jaramillo Echeverry, A., & Cruz Valderrama, C. A. (2013). PREVALENCE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD CARIES AND ASSOCIATED RISK FACTORS AMONG 1-5 YEAR OLD PRE-SCHOOLERS OF SANTIAGO DE CALI. Ustasalud, 12(2), 108–115.



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