Dental papilla, Bone resorption, Dental implants, Dental prosthesisAbstract
Objective: to evaluate the influence of the distance between the bone crest and the interdental contact point (3 and 5 mm) and the distance between implants (2 and 3 mm) in the formation of gingival papillae.
Methods: eight young adult dogs were selected for the study. Extractions of the four premolars of each hemi mandibular arch were performed and after three months three implants were placed (4.3 x 10 mm) in each hemi arch. The first implant was placed 10 mm from the remnant canine, the second implant (intermediate) was placed 2 mm from the first and the third one was placed 3 mm from the latter. Metal crowns were made in order to reproduce a situation of interdental contact points of 2 and 3 mm (bone crest-contact point). Clinical assessments were performed 12 weeks after the installation of the prosthesis to verify the distance of the spaces found between the gingival papillae and the contact point. Then, the mean values obtained were subjected to statistical analysis (2 way ANOVA and Bonferroni post-hoc). A p<0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
Results: the larger space was found in the situation in which the distance between implants was 2 mm and height of the contact point of 5 mm. The lowest value was found in the situation in which the distance between implants was 2 mm and the height of the contact point of 3 mm.
Conclusion: three mm contact points positively influence the formation of gingival papillae.
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