Dental caries, Oral hygiene, Saliva, Dental calculusAbstract
Objective: To relate the characteristics and presence of dental caries and salivary calculus in elderly patients that attended the Dental Clinics at Santo Tomas University in Bucaramanga.
Methods: A cross sectional study was done with 46 people over 50 years. The dependent variables used were pH, clearance and salivary flow, the independent variables were sociodemographic, coronal caries, root caries, dental calculus and dental hygiene. Data were tabulated and analyzed statistically using Chi2 test and Fisher exact test for qualitative variables and Student t test for quantitative variables.
Results: The prevalence of coronal caries was 65.2% and root caries was 34.8%. The consumption of drugs is a possible risk factor for the increase in salivary pH. 84.8% of the population has higher clearance time of 15 minutes. High salivary flow is considered a risk factor for salivary pH basic (OR: 1.54) and presence of dental calculus. A considerable percentage of female (51.7%) had decreased stimulated salivary flow while only 11.8% of men reported this feature.
Conclusions: The stimulated salivary flow rate decreased more prevalent in women than in men, being 56 years or more increases the risk of decline in stimulated salivary flow, and this is directly related to increased presence of dental calculus turns out to be a determinant of plaque buildup leading to root caries in older adults.
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