Cariogram®, Caries risk, Dental plaque, DMF indexAbstract
Objective: to assess caries risk in dental students from the School of Dentistry at the Santo Tomas University (Bucaramanga, Colombia) and to examine the relationship between the caries related factors and the results given by Cariogram®.
Methods: a descriptive observational cross sectional study was done. The sample consisted of 24 dental students from first grade. Data collection included a clinical examination (DMFT and plaque scores), saliva sampling (lactobacillus and mutans streptococci levels, saliva secretion and buffer capacity) and a dietary questionnaire. The caries risk of each individual, expressed as the chance to avoid new caries, was then obtained. Means, modes, medians and standard deviations were determined for all data. Bivariate analyses were performed by Student’s t test and by Pearson correlation coefficient. A linear regression was done for the multivariate analysis. For all tests, p≤0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: most of the students had a low caries risk with a 76,8% chance to avoid future caries. The mean DMFT of the sample was 4,58 ± 3,32 and the mean value for the plaque index was 0,72 ± 1,01. A significant correlation was observed between the results obtained by the computer model and the uses of fluoride, saliva secretion, buffer capacity and mutans streptococci levels. From the standardized ß coefficients, the predictive variables that made the greatest contribution to the model were buffer capacity below 4, saliva secretion below 0.5 ml/min and mutans streptococci count. Diagnostic test for regression model showed a linktest p = 0.551, indicating a good fit of the model.
Conclusion: the population evaluated with de Cariogram® showed a low risk of dental caries. This model explained 90% of the variability of the risk for dental caries, which increases with a very low salivary flow and a salivary pH below 4.
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