
  • Rodrigo Enrique Guzmán Lemus U. Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Patricia Trejo Quiroz U. Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Claudia Sofia de León Torres U. Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Daniela Carmona Ruiz U. Nacional Autónoma de México




Anodontia, Hypodontia, Tooth agenesis


Dental anomalies are disorders that can occur during odontogenesis (initiation and proliferation of the dental lamina), in which it affects the shape, the size, layout, degree of development and number of the teeth. Within these anomalies of number, dental agenesis one of those that occur most frequently within the population and there are several types among them: dental agenesis of one or more teeth that can be hypodontia (absence of less than six teeth), or oligodontia (absence of six or more teeth, excluding third molars). Oligodontia is a tooth developmental disorder characterized by congenital absence of more than six teeth and can occur in the primary and permanent dentition and it is commonly associated with certain systemic disorders or syndromes. The third molars are the most affected teeth within this disorder, followed by the second lower premolars and upper lateral incisors. It is usual in the female population and in the mandibular region. The present paper reports the case of a 13 year –old patient, who attended to the Pediatric Dental Clinic of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México with congenital absence of the following dental organs 12, 17, 18, 22, 27, 28, 35, 36, 37, 38, 45, 47 and 48. This absence was not associated with any type of syndrome. Therefore, a presumptive diagnosis of non-syndromic oligodontia was established and it was considered to perform a treatment by a multidisciplinary team of different dental specialities.


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Enrique Guzmán Lemus, U. Nacional Autónoma de México

Especialista en Odontopediatría DEPeI F. de Odontología U. Nacional Autónoma de México

Patricia Trejo Quiroz, U. Nacional Autónoma de México

Académico Especialización en Odontopediatría F. de Odontología U. Nacional Autónoma de México, México

Claudia Sofia de León Torres, U. Nacional Autónoma de México

Académico Especialización en Odontopediatría F. de Odontología U. Nacional Autónoma de México

Daniela Carmona Ruiz, U. Nacional Autónoma de México

Especialista en Odontopediatría DEPeI F. de Odontología U. Nacional Autónoma de México


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How to Cite

Guzmán Lemus, R. E., Trejo Quiroz, P., de León Torres, C. S., & Carmona Ruiz, D. (2012). OLIGODONTIA: A CASE REPORT. Ustasalud, 11(2), 124–129. https://doi.org/10.15332/us.v11i2.1125



Case reports