
  • Xiomara Jimena Noriega Herrera U. Santo Tomás
  • Martha Juliana Rodríguez Gómez U. Santo Tomás
  • Claudia Cáceres Rodríguez U. Santo Tomás



Prevalence, Pulpotomy, Endodontic treatment, Dental caries, Primary teeth


Objective: to establish the prevalence of pulpotomy and pulpectomy treatments recorded in the medical records of the Clínicas Integrales del Niño I, II and III of the Faculty of Dentistry at Santo Tomas University in Bucaramanga, in the period from 2007 to 2011.
Methods: a retrospective cross-sectional study was done with 3396 dental records. Those records with pulp treatments (pulpotomy, pulpectomy) in primary teeth with the final radiograph were included. Among the variables analyzed were type of pulp treatment, age, gender, county of residence, treatment-related diagnostic and year of completion. Proportions for qualitative variables, means and dispersion measures for quantitative ones were obtained. In bivariate analysis Chi2 test or Fisher exact test was performed. P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: 2697 dental records were evaluated because 669 were not available. Of these, 751 (27.8%) had registered some type of pulp treatment, however, only 425 (56.6%) had final radiograph. Six hundred forty-nine teeth had pulp therapy, 497 (76.6%) had pulpotomy and 152 (23.4%) pulpectomy, the first lower molar was the one with the highest number of treatments with 233 (63.6% ).
Conclusion: the prevalence of pulpar treatment in primary dentition in the Clínicas Integrales del Niño I, II and III was 16.1% in the period 2007 to 2011. Dental caries was the more frequent diagnosis related to pulp treatment. In 2009, it was an increase in the performance of pulp treatments.


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Author Biographies

Xiomara Jimena Noriega Herrera, U. Santo Tomás

Estudiante X semestre F. de Odontología U. Santo Tomás

Martha Juliana Rodríguez Gómez, U. Santo Tomás

Odontóloga U. Javeriana, Especialista en Odontopediatría y Ortodoncia Preventiva U. CES, Candidata Magíster en Epidemiología U. Industrial de Santander, Docente U. Santo Tomás

Claudia Cáceres Rodríguez, U. Santo Tomás

Odontóloga U. Santo Tomás, Docente U. Santo Tomás


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How to Cite

Noriega Herrera, X. J., Rodríguez Gómez, M. J., & Cáceres Rodríguez, C. (2013). PREVALENCE OF PULPOTOMY AND PULPECTOMY TREATMENTS IN CLÍNICAS INTEGRALES DEL NIÑO AT SANTO TOMAS UNIVERSITY BETWEEN 2007 - 2011. Ustasalud, 12(1), 33–40.



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