Aged, Oral Health, Dental caries, PeriodontitisAbstract
Objective: to assess the association between physical functional capacity (PFC) and oral condition (OC) in an institution for elderly care in Bucaramanga.
Methods: an analytical observational cross sectional study was done. 101 people constituted the universe and 68, the sample that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The variables of the study were social-demographic general health, the oral condition, the PFC, mental state, the social supports. In the analysis, summary measures were calculated according to the nature of each variable. Analysis of factors was made to determine the attributes that integrated the OC. The OC variable was related to each of the variables registered in the study by Chi2 and Fisher's exact test, the crude OR and confidence intervals were calculated. Logistic regression analysis and OR correction methods were applied and the RR (PR) was obtained and the goodness of fit of the model was evaluated.
Results: the decline in the functional physical condition and the mental condition were associated with a poor oral health with PR 3.63 [CI 95% 0.98 - 1.82] and PR 6.84 [CI 95% 1.38 – 2.32], respectively.
Conclusion: the reduced in the motor skills and mental condition will affect the essential abilities for life, including the ones to help to preserve a good oral health. Promotion and prevention programs have to be done to protect the bucodental condition for the elderly people.
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