Television of neuronal control and the moral theory of rag dolls: postcyberpunk and cyberpunk meanings in cinema, and impact of technology on society
Actancial model, Structural Semantics, Posthuman, Liberty-subjectionAbstract
This paper presents the first product of a research and aims at establishing the meanings of two subgenres of science fiction in cinema, cyberpunk and postcyberpunk, and the impact of technology in society, a topic widely discussed by these literary subgenres. First, the article approaches cyberpunk and postcyberpunk and portrays how these subgenres of science fiction have worked in movies. Subsequently, the structural semantics and actancial model are presented as they establish the meanings found in the cyberpunk and postcyberpunk. Finally, the article analyzes the impact of technology in society based on two movies: Videodrome and Nueve, as each of them represents each subgenre.
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