The contributions of Legal Sociology to the construction of educational models for civic education


  • Carlos Perea Sandoval Universidad Santo Tomás



Civic Competencies, Civic Education, Legal Sociology, Ideological Determinant, Moral Subject


The contents of this article is based on a doctoral thesis on the evaluation of citizen competencies and the construction of subjectivities, carried out as a requirement for the doctoral degree in Legal Sociology and Political Institutions of the Universidad Externado de Colombia.

The methodology employed is sociological and legal analytic with regards to the critical analysis of official discourses and practices on civic education in Colombia. The implementation of this analytical component comes from the identification of the ideological determinants present in the conception of civic competencies developed by the Colombian Ministry of National Education. These ideological determinants are linked to the conception of ethics that, from philosophy (Kant, 1993), sociology (Durkheim, 2002), psychology (Freud, 1993), genetic epistemology (Piaget, 1977), moral development (Kohlberg, 1992) and communication (Habermas, 1991) are present in the statements, speeches and civic education practices.

From the analysis of the ideological determinants, the article offers a reworking of the concept of civic competencies that constitutes an articulator of the variables in the design of the relational matrix for alternativity with regards to civic education, whose meaning is linked to the development of proposals for the implementation of new models of civic education. From this perspective, the following paper presents a reviewed research as a referent to deepen on civic studies underway in Colombia and other Latin American countries.


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Author Biography

Carlos Perea Sandoval, Universidad Santo Tomás

Doctor en Sociología Jurídica e Instituciones Políticas. Posdoctorado en Educación Latinoamericana. Docente investigador Universidad Santo Tomás.


Durkheim, É. (2002). La educación moral. Madrid: Editorial Trotta.

Ferrari, V. (2006). Derecho y Sociedad. Elementos de sociología del derecho. Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia.

Freud, S. (1993). Los textos fundamentales del psicoanálisis. Grandes obras del pensamiento. Barcelona: Ediciones Altaya.

Habermas, J. (1991). Aclaraciones a la ética del discurso. Recuperado de

Kant. I. (1993). La metafísica de las costumbres. Barcelona: Ediciones Altaya.

Kohlberg, L. (1992). Psicología del desarrollo moral. Bilbao: Editorial Desclée de Brouwer,

Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2013). Lineamientos curriculares Educación ética y Valores Humanos. Bogotá: Editorial Magisterio.

Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2004). Estándares básicos de competencias ciudadanas. Serie guías N.6. Bogotá.

Perea, C. (2011). Las prácticas evaluativas de competencias ciudadanas y la construcción de subjetividades: un análisis sociojurídico [Tesis doctoral]. Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá.

Piaget, J. (1977). El criterio Moral en el niño. Barcelona: Editorial Fontanella.



How to Cite

Perea Sandoval, C. (2014). The contributions of Legal Sociology to the construction of educational models for civic education. Revista Temas, (8), 97–104.



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