The experience of aporia and the possibility of history. Reflections on the concepts of justice and law


  • David Jonatham Serra Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga



Justice, law, linguistics, anthropology, ethnolinguistics, dehumanization, history, deconstruction, structural anthropology, symbolic violence


The objective of this article is to problematize the relationship between language, justice and law through a philosophical and anthropological reflection. From the thinking of paradigmatic authors of the 20th century, such as Jacques Derrida, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Fernand Braudel and Pierre Bourdieu, a historical, anthropological, philosophical and ethnolinguistic analysis will be carried out, with the purpose of deconstructing the criteria on which the concepts of justice and law are based.


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Author Biography

David Jonatham Serra, Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga

Doctor (Ph.D.) en Historia, Culturas y Civilizaciones, Universidad de Bologna, Italia.


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How to Cite

Serra, D. J. (2020). The experience of aporia and the possibility of history. Reflections on the concepts of justice and law. Revista Temas, (14), 111–121.


