Citizenship attends as a model of social exclusion of women from the foucaultian perspective


  • Ricardo García Jiménez



Athens, citizenship, power, micro-spaces, restriction


The interest of the present reflection is to investigate how the concepts of power technology, biopower, abnormality, vigilance and disciplinary mechanisms, developed by Michel Foucault, can contribute to the understanding of architecture that traced the characteristics that defined the notion of Athenian citizenship as a model of exclusion and domination of women of that time. The document conjectures that, despite there were imperative factors that restrict women’s liberties, but this did not limit them to influence public affairs, since there were other unconventional ones that allowed them to participate indirectly in matters of a political nature, Paradoxically, the micro-spaces are the places where the spaces were confined where they could influence the political life of the State.


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Author Biography

Ricardo García Jiménez

Doctor en Ciencias Forenses. Magíster en Sociología. Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México.


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How to Cite

García Jiménez, R. (2020). Citizenship attends as a model of social exclusion of women from the foucaultian perspective. Revista Temas, (14), 59–76.


