Approach to the concept of “pathologies of the social” and its possible ethical implications
Social philosophy, social pathologies, invisibility, ethicsAbstract
The article first presents Honneth’s characterization of the statute of social philosophy. Second, it develops the concept of social pathologies as a fundamental theoretical premise that enables the appropriate task of social philosophy to be determined. Third, it demonstrates the extent to which social invisibility, as withholding of recognition, constitutes a pathology of the social sphere, and the response that this situation demands of social philosophy. Finally, Honneth’s proposal is discussed, arguing that it seems to take insufficient account of the existence of cultural and ethical otherness, since it is based on a universal and formal normative concept.
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Honneth, A. (2009a). Entre Aristóteles y Kant. Esbozo de una moral del reconocimiento. En Crítica del agravio moral. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Honneth, A. (2009b). Patologías de lo social. Tradicióny actualidad de la filosofía social. En Crítica del agravio moral. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Honneth, A. (2011). Invisibilidad. Sobre la epistemología moral del “reconocimiento”. En La sociedad del desprecio. Madrid: Trotta.