Didactic to develop processes of criticism and argumentation in public school institutions located in Santander
Critical thinking, communicative skills, reading, writing, teaching sequenceAbstract
In 2015, the National Ministry of Education (MEN) started the Scholarship Program for Teaching Excellence as one of the strategic lines of a national education plan denominated “Colombia, the most educated country in 2025”. In that same year (2015), this plan impacted the Industrial University of Santander (UIS), and the Master’s Degree Program in Pedagogy received the first 64 fellows to study this postgraduate program financed by the national government. Since then, an accompaniment to the involved teachers has been initiated in each of the research lines, in order to carry out, within two years, a proposal for intervention in the classroom, according to the action research methodology. As a result of this work, the present text shows the outcomes and reflections resulting from the process carried out by eight of these teacher-students, which helped them to meet the requirements for graduating. These teachers belonged to the research line of Language and Pedagogy, directed by the author and enrolled in the research group “Paidópolis” of the above mentioned University “UIS”.Downloads
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