Implementing differentiated education: why diversity must be appreciated


  • Leidy Johanna Villamizar Castrillón



Customized lessons, Differentiated Education, Higher order thinking skills, one-size-fits-all approach, Tiered assignments


This reflection paper illustrates the relevance of differentiated education in our current times, which brings to light students’ learning differences and innovative tailored-teaching approaches, leaving behind the traditional so called onesize-fits-all teaching method. The author will start by defining what differentiation is about. She will proceed by explaining the advantages of implementing differentiated education in our classrooms at all ages and subjects as well as describing potential activities to promote flexible-customized lessons based on students’ needs and varied academic performance levels. The author will end describing a set of strategies to target students’ senses, encourage problem-solving skills, support cooperative learning, and adapt assignments so learners feel capable of succeeding in an academic setting.


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Author Biography

Leidy Johanna Villamizar Castrillón

Master in Education from University of Alabama, USA. Former Spanish Teacher at Waccamaw High School, Georgetown School County, Pawleys Island, SC, USA.


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How to Cite

Villamizar Castrillón, L. J. (2017). Implementing differentiated education: why diversity must be appreciated. Revista Temas, (11), 31–36.


