Ecological urbanism, territorial linkages, self-sufficiency, sustainability, energy productionAbstract
This article gives part of the results of a research experience developed at Medellín in the research area of the Faculty of Architecture of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, in which different concepts related to the subject of sustainable urban development were investigated, with the goal of projecting interconnected urban settlements, more efficient, humane and participatory that avoid contamination, do not involve an intensive extraction of materials and also produce clean energies.
In methodological order, the research was divided into three strategic phases: analysis, design and didactic. In the first one, architectural, climatic and landscape analyses of some urban and model landscape systems in Catalonia and Brazil were carried out. Through the second phase different lessons were extrapolated and after to reinterpreting them, were applied to the design of a new neighbourhood in Apartadó (Colombia); process carried out by the University´s Extension Lab. In the last one, learned lessons were applied to a didactic intervention for the “Project Workshops” which belong to the first cycle of the Faculty of Architecture.
The theoretical thought rise young students’ awareness about the responsibility of projecting new urban environments, in which architecture is linked to the natural environment, generating friendly, creative and inclusive public space networks that also produce clean energy, water and food.
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