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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. The article has not been sent to another journal for evaluation or publication, in which case direct communication is sent to the editor.
  • 2. The text is written in Arial 12 font, in a single column and double space.
  • 3. The maximum length of the text is 8,000 words [images and bibliographic references are included].
  • 4. Within the text, the exact place where the respective figures and tables should appear has been specified, listing them: Figure 1., Figure 2., Figure 3., Table 1., Table 2... This information corresponds to the file in Word format entitled "List of images" that must be attached to the submission of the article material.
  • 5. The figures are sent in independent files within a folder in JPG format with a resolution of no less than 300 DPI each.
  • 6. Two figures are included that accompany the text corresponding to the Abstract and the Abstract in addition to those used as support within the text. These images have their corresponding image caption and credits or font.
  • 7. The text that is submitted is within the format for the presentation of articles established by the journal.
  • 8. The citations and references found within the article have been made following APA standards.
  • 9. The following forms are sent completed: Authors' Information Form, Assignment of Rights for Publication Form.

Author Guidelines

Guide for authors

Types of articles to be published

Revista M publishes original and unpublished articles mainly in Spanish, but also receives articles in English, the result of scientific research.

The articles considered for scientific publications are:

  1. Scientific and technological research article: A document that presents in detail the original results of completed research projects. The used structure contains four (4) important sections: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusions and References. 

  2. Reflection article product of research: Document that presents results of completed research, from an analytical, interpretative, or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.

  3. Review article: Document resulting from completed research in which the results of published or unpublished research on a field in science or technology are analysed, systematized, and integrated, to account for advances and development trends. It is characterized by a careful bibliographic review of at least fifty (50) references. 

Structure of a research article

The structure of a research article is composed of nine (9) parts, which are as follows:

  1. Title: It should grab the reader's attention, contain just the right words, and should reflect the content of the article.

  2. Abstract: in a synthetic way, it should contain information about the main actions, that is, what was studied (introduction), how it was studied (methodology), what was the finding (results) and what the results mean for the academic community (conclusion/discussion)

  3. Keywords: it must contain five (5) keywords presented in alphabetical order, in the original language of the article and in the second language used in the abstract. (Use words that are regulated by thesauri).

  4. Introduction: it must contain the object of the research, the established purpose, the contribution of the work conducted and the current knowledge on the subject. Under no circumstances should it expose the results of the investigation. 

  5. Methodology: it must explain how the research was done. Its purpose is to describe in detail the steps followed in conducting the research so that they can be replicated by the scientific community and achieve equivalent results. 

  6. Results: it must show the representative results of the research in a clear and detailed way, which represent the new knowledge that is being contributed. It can contain tables, graphs and supporting figures. The methodology used should not be repeated.

  7. Conclusions/Discussion: in this concluding section, the results are contrasted with the hypothesis and must be presented in coherence with the objectives set. In addition, it must indicate what, in the author's opinion, the findings mean for the scientific community

  8. References: Alphabetical list of the sources cited in the article. References must follow the standards established by Revista M and contain all the data required by these standards

Other texts

To a lesser extent, the journal publishes other texts that are listed below:

  1. Short article: a short document that presents preliminary or partial original results of scientific or technological research, which require prompt dissemination.

  2. Case report: document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation to publicize the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes an annotated systematic review of the literature on analogous cases.

  3. Topic review [state of the art]: document resulting from the critical review of the literature on a particular topic.


Submission of articles

Articles must be submitted following the Word format established for the presentation of the article with an extension of no more than 8,000 words in Arial font, font 12 with double-spaced line spacing. The figures must be related within the text; however, they must be sent in independent files in TIFF or JPG format with a resolution of no less than 300 DPI each, all identified and organized within a folder. By design criteria of the Revista M, the authors must include two extra figures that accompany the text corresponding to the Abstract and the Abstract. The list of figures to be named (Figure 1., Figure 2...) must be attached in a separate document with their respective caption in which the source or origin is also specified. The rights of reproduction of the images will always be managed directly by the authors.

The material of the article must be sent to the Editor of the Journal at the account, as an annex the corresponding forms  must be sent completed: Authors' Information Form, Assignment of Rights for Publication Form.


Referral System

Revista M uses the Standard defined by the American Psychological Association (APA) for bibliographic references. Examples for references[1]:


Surname, N.N. (year). Title of the work (# of edition if it has one). Editorial.URL (if online)

Book Chapter:

Surname, N.N. (Year of publication). Chapter title. In Title of the book. (home page–end page). Editorial. URL (if online)

Translated book:

Surname, N.N. (year). Title of the book. (N.N. Surnames, trans.). Editorial. (Original work published in the year (if known)).

Scientific article with DOI or URL:

Surname, N.N. (Year). Title of the article. Journal name, volume (number), pages. URL

Printed magazine article:

Surnames, N.N. (Year, day, month). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume (Number), Pages

Document on a website:

Surnames, N.N. (year, day, month). Title of the publication. Website.URL

Published thesis:

Surname, N.N. (Year). Title of the degree or thesis. [(Internship Report/Article/Degree Project/Master's Thesis/Doctoral Thesis), Academic Program]. University or Institution. Platform Name/Database/Repository.URL

Lecture or conference:

Surnames, N.N. (Year, days, month). Name of the paper/conference [Paper/Conference]. Event Name, City, Country.URL


Surnames, N.N. o Institutional Author. (year). Map title [Map]. Platform or website. URL


Entity (year, day, month). Law number. Title of the publication. Platform or website. URL


[1]Taken from: APA 1 style works presentation guide. User support guides-training. Biblioteca Universidad Santo Tomás Seccional Bucaramanga, Colombia.


Format for the presentation of Revista M articles

Título del artículo */ Paper title
(Arial 12, lowercase, centred, in Spanish and English)

*If applicable for the document: include the title of the research from which the article derives and the name of the Institution or group that endorses the research, if it is funded or if it belongs to a current call.  

Author's name 1
(Full names and surnames) Main institutional affiliation

(Name of institution, name of country)

Author name 2
(Full names and surnames) Main institutional affiliation

(Name of institution, name of country)

Article category:

(The author must classify the submitted text following the classification of types of research articles described above)

Figures for article cover

Two images or figures (Figure A and Figure B) are required to accompany both the abstract and the abstract. These images must have their corresponding image caption and credits or font.

Abstract (A paragraph of maximum 220 words in the original language of the article following the indications given previously)

Keywords (list of five keywords)

Resumen - (Translation of the abstract into spanish)

Keywords (translation of keywords into spanish)


Article text

Use Arial 12 font, single column, double-spaced. Please specify the place within the text where the respective figures should appear (understood as figures: images, photographs, drawings, maps) and tables, listing them: Figure 1. Title, Figure 2. Title, Figure 3. Title, Table 1. Title, Table 2. Title.... Information that must correspond to the file in Word format "List of images" that must be attached to the submission of material of the article. [This should contain the titles and sources of each figure and table.]

The text must be structured following the indications previously given in the guide of authors.


