Administrative supervision dynamics: regulatory perspectives, collaboration, and challenges




Administrative supervision, State intervention, Economic Administrative Law, Publica-private collaboration, Market failures


The article addresses the complex web of interactions in the public sector, highlighting the rationality that drives the maximization of individual benefits. The economic role of the State and the activities it carries out in market economies are analyzed, pointing out virtues and defects. In the Colombian context, the institutionalization of public entities is examined. The importance of the independence of supervisory authorities to avoid political influence and ensure a technical approach is highlighted. It also addresses the lack of clarity in inspection procedures and suggests the need for a general theory to guide these activities in a proportionate and effective manner.

On the other hand, the role of supervised subjects is explored, highlighting collaboration as a legal duty and the importance of reporting duties to reduce imbalances. In the context of legal globalization, supranational and multilateral institutions play a crucial role in administrative oversight, influencing state regulations and practices in areas such as fisheries policy and corporate governance.

Public-private collaboration is evidenced in auditing and certifying entities that, under state regulation, verify compliance with regulations, contributing to efficiency and quality in economic activities, although it poses challenges in the application of Administrative Law and the need to adapt to the speed of economic development.


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Author Biography

Camilo Ernesto Ojeda Amaya, Universidad de Salamanca

Abogado (Cum Laude), Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga, Colombia. Especialista en Derecho Público, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. Magíster en Análisis Económico del Derecho y las Políticas Públicas, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, España. Miembro, Coregulación Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. Asesor jurídico independiente.


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How to Cite

Ojeda Amaya, C. E. (2023). Administrative supervision dynamics: regulatory perspectives, collaboration, and challenges. IUSTITIA, (23).



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