The problem of the legitimacy of the control of constitutionality: Possibilities of the Habermasian interpretation
Legitimacy, control of constitutonality, Habermas, rights, popular sovereigntyAbstract
One of the debates of increasing importance in Colombian constitutionalism is that of the legitimacy of constitutional control. However, this debate has been mostly developed from an exclusively legal perspective without addressing its philosophical-political implications. Therefore, this paper seeks to elucidate its implications from Habermas's philosophical perspective. To do this, the article will initially seek to provide a brief state of the art on the debate in question, taking up the main arguments that outline the illegitimacy of said control based on the principle of Bickel's countermajoritarian objection and taken up by authors such as Ely, the risks that such control entails for the establishment of a 'government of judges' in Waldron's terms; and then analyze the main arguments of those who defend the legitimacy of said control, starting with the defense of the rationality and need of modern democracies to establish pre-commitments that bind future generations and guarantee the stability of the political project, according to the perspective of Elster, as well as Dworkin's response to the objections of critics of constitutional review. Finally, the article contrasts to this debate the perspective of Habermas, who, unlike previous authors, does not conceive an inherent tension between constitutionalism and democracy or between constitutionalism and popular sovereignty, reconfiguring the interpretation of the problem from his thesis of co-originality between rights and popular sovereignty from a dialogic perspective typical of communicative rationality of an intersubjective nature.
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