Exploring the concept and practice of restorative justice: A comprehensive analysis
Restorative justice, restorative practices, school environments, traditional justiceAbstract
This article delves into the exploration and reflection around restorative justice, examining how its application can contribute to resolving both structural and cultural conflicts in social and academic contexts. We will begin by defining the concept of restorative justice, its fundamental principles, and how it compares to the traditional approach to justice. Then, we will analyze its application in school environments, addressing the challenges this methodology faces in this area and the benefits it can provide through its implementation. Subsequently, we will explore the application of restorative practices in communities, examining the social aspects in which it is experimented and how these practices can promote reconciliation between members of a community. Finally, criticisms of restorative justice will be addressed, possible improvements will be proposed, and directions for future research in this field will be outlined. This article defends the need to overcome the traditional justice paradigm as the only approach to achieving an equitable society. Instead, it advocates the search for alternatives for conflict resolution, such as dialogue, community meetings and rationality, as essential elements in the construction of a just society from a social perspective.
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