Influential Factors in the Allocation of Aid to Football Players: Performance or Social Situation
Experimental economics, Distributive justice, Sports performance, Social characteristics, Decision makingAbstract
This article will identify, from an experiment, the influence of distributive motivations in soccer coaches when assigning financial aid to players on their team. The results show that coaches are influenced by a selection bias attributed to ideas of distributive justice that they value together with sports performance. So not only important objective variables, such as sports performance, but also socioeconomic characteristics or living conditions such as overcrowding (number of people in the household), type of housing, neighborhood, academic level, and access to health services that do the player have. Providing a path to study decision-making in the selection processes of young talents for sport. The paper is divided into four sections. First, the introduction and background are presented. The second section explains the methodology of the experiment. Third, the results are presented. In the fourth section, there is a discussion of these results and the conclusions. Finally, in the fifth section are the references.
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