What are we aiming for after 30 years of the Constituent Assembly of 1991?
Multiculturalism, Critical integrality, Plurinationality, Dignity of humans and living beingsAbstract
For the purposes of developing the text, it will be divided into four sections, which are, in our opinion, the possible and necessary horizons to transcend on the basis of the questions, the approach of the constituent of the year 91, namely, i) Notion of nation and modernity; ii) From pluralism to plurinationalism; iii) From recognition to dialogue based on the multiplicity of consciences and discontinuity of borders and iv) Scope of Law and education in the context of change.
Prior to the development of each one, we make the clarification, which is our consideration with the reader, about what you will find in the following lines, in order to decide to continue with your reading. So, in this text, starting points will be exposed in order to reflect and plant seeds of consciousness to build not a point of arrival, an ideal, but a path of steps that allow one after another, to build other ways of finding ourselves, to reintroduce identities and ways of feeling the world from what we are, since we believe that the mere fact of asking ourselves questions about the society we want to be and in which we want to live, is already progress.
Based on the reality of each of these situations (indigenous, women, Afro-descendant communities, peasants, non-heterosexual people) and from each of the oppressed sectors, their collective consciences as communities of violated beings and knowledge and, even more Since the founding of Colombia as a Nation State, the need to build a society that recognizes multiculturalism has been claimed as a wealth that must be consolidated, affirmed and systematized, in order to grow as a people, from the generation of intangible heritage, transforming the social and economic model, with the participation of each of these visions, roots and knowledge, one in which it is possible to consolidate a society founded on respect for human dignity and all that is living.
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