Argumentation by example from the figure of the judicial precedent. An approach from Chaïm Perelman
Judicial precedent, Argumentation by example, Right to work, Perelman, Legal argumentationAbstract
This work performs a development about the research of the judicial precedent by means of the argumentation by example, from the approach of one of the argumentative techniques by Perelman. It is studied the way this technique is materialized in the judgments, not only those from the high court’s otherwise from all administrators of justice that motivate their judgments. For this they use the precedent and the law of inertia that put forward the same author.
On this specific case we talk about the fundamental right to work of persons deprived of liberty. Also, we analyze the way that the constitutional court use some argumentative techniques by writers like Perelman, Toulmin and Weston above all in the revision of the guardianship action. For this exercise, the text realizes a tour through some argumentation theories and evaluate the application of those notions into the practice of law.
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