Crime prevention through situational practices
Situational prevention, routine activities, environmental design, community policing, rational choiceAbstract
The prevention of crime constitutes a historical aspiration of criminal law and specifically of criminology, which as a science of a scientific nature and taking as reference the empirical studies developed regularly, fundamentally identifies community social prevention and situational prevention, which with Certain purposes differ from the axiological, but have a common goal to prevent crime. Situational prevention to support its content takes as a reference the theories of opportunity, rational choice, broken windows and environmental design, the basis on which preventive strategies of this nature have been implemented in various countries including countries in the process of development, the development of situational prevention strategies through environmental design being considered feasible; it has an eminently pragmatic and utilitarian ideological foundation; Its objective is simply to maintain crime as a multi-causal social phenomenon in admissible limits, which is why more than a set of theories against crime should be considered technical actions that pay a conscious and deliberate decrease in crime. Its criminological contribution is that it ignores the stigmatization processes that Criminology has traditionally assumed when considering the delinquent carrier of deviant behavior, its fundamental criticism is that the possible execution of criminal activities can not rest on the condition of being a rational commander. of crime, since the motivation of the offender is ultimately subordinated to social and economic conditions, which correspond to structural failures of current societies, typical of neoliberalism.Downloads
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