Retirement Pensions in the light of Legislative Act 01 of 2005
Legislative Act 01 of 2005, right of association, collective negotiation, constitutional block, OIT conventions, retirement pension, progressive principle, collective bargaining agreement, freedom of enterprise and private propertyAbstract
The present research project presents an application of an analytical methodology that studies constitutionally the central theme, whose aim is to try to demonstrate how the aforementioned Legislative Act No. 01 of 2005 modifies article 48 of the Political Constitution, in addition to opposing provisions that Enshrines the same Political Charter in relation to the right of trade union association and collective bargaining for the restriction that was established when exercising the right to collective bargaining, article 55 of the Constitution Which is essentially rooted in the fundamental right of trade union association, enshrined in Article 39 of the Constitution, ignoring the provisions of the International Labor Conventions, particularly Convention 87 and 98 (ILO). Constitutional doctrine as an integral part of the so-called Constitutionality Block, pursuant to paragraph 2 of article 93 of the Political Constitution, a feature reinforced by what is determined in paragraph 4 of article 53 Political Constitution. In the same way, the constitutional amendment by which Article 48 of the Political Constitution was reformed, clearly shows how the right to private property and freedom of enterprise is not known by prohibiting collective bargaining between individuals, colliding with the established In article 58 of the Political Constitution and the provisions of article 333 of the Constitution, which guarantees the right to property and recognition of rights acquired under the law, as well as the right to freedom of enterprise under a social function Determined. In the analysis of the work, it was determined that the exclusion to the restriction of collective bargaining established by Legislative Act No. 01 of 2005 in pension matters constitutes a constitutional antinomy, which seriously damages the mechanism of concertation through collective bargaining, That workers have to agree and improve the minimum conditions of work foreseen in the legal regulations.
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