Some ideas on the crime of trafficking in human beings and the crime of exploitation of minors in the Colombian criminal law. Regarding the Judgment C-464 of 2014 of the Constitutional Court


  • Alfredo Alpaca Pérez Universidad de León
  • Dhyana Stephania Serrano Suárez Universidad de Salamanca



Human trafficking, exploitation of children, mendicancy, concurrence of crimes.


In the following article we propose some interpretive lines about the alleged relationship between the crimes of trafficking in persons and the exploitation of children in the colombian criminal law, therefore, we will diverge in many aspects of the recent constitutional case law. In this respect, we will address various problematic issues: first, from an international perspective and then, by analysing the internal structure of the corresponding criminal offences (article 188-A of the Criminal Code and article 93 of the Law N° 1453, respectively), what will allow the demarcation and the scope of the aforementioned crimes. The main idea of the contribution is that the crime of trafficking in persons offers a satisfactory legal protection to minors in the cases in which they are exploited. Therefore, the crime of exploitation of children (due to various arguments explained in the article) would be not applicable.


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Author Biography

Alfredo Alpaca Pérez, Universidad de León

Investigador contratado predoctoral


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How to Cite

Alpaca Pérez, A., & Serrano Suárez, D. S. (2016). Some ideas on the crime of trafficking in human beings and the crime of exploitation of minors in the Colombian criminal law. Regarding the Judgment C-464 of 2014 of the Constitutional Court. IUSTITIA, (13), 331–354.


